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Find out if you qualify for
Industrial Deafness Compensation

Our team will arrange a FREE HEARING TEST with a qualified Audiologist to diagnose the extent of your industrial hearing loss.

Getting Started

Easy step-by-step process

Tell us about your claim

We’ll need some details about your claim. Simply fill in the easy online form.

We'll get to know you

Keep your phone handy because we’ll be in touch with you.

Start your claim

We will ensure you receive the most advanced hearing aids permitted.

Check Eligibility Form

What Can I Claim?

Our team will arrange a FREE HEARING TEST with a qualified Audiologist to diagnose the extent of your industrial hearing loss. One of our legal advisors will then discuss your hearing test results with you and evaluate your entitlements. We will also submit your claim to the insurance company once all the necessary criteria has been met.

The amount of compensation you receive depends on the extent of your industrial hearing loss and will vary from state to state. Completing your claim with us will ensure you receive the most advanced hearing aids permitted by regulation and in most circumstances lump sum compensation.


What Our Customers Say